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Hygge: How to celebrate Christmas like the Danes (Happiest people in the world)

It’s Christmas time again, the season to celebrate with your loved ones, and a good way to add more joy to your celebration is by learning a few tips from one of the happiest people in the world – the Danes. Studies have shown that Danes are genetically happier people when compared to people from other countries, but aside from genetics, many would agree that they are happier because of their lifestyle trend called “hygge”.

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Hygge, pronounced as “Hoo-Guh” has no direct translation in English but is related to feeling cozy, content and indulging in good things. Hygge has been shortlisted as Oxford Dictionares’ 2016 “word of the year”. The word is derived from a sixteenth-century Norwegian term, hugga, which means “to comfort”, and is related to the English word “hug”.

Here are a few tips you can pick up from the Danes to experience ‘hygge’ with your family and loved ones this Christmas:

1. Spend Quality Time

Put down that and re-connect with your loved ones. You may have been so busy throughout the year with your work or your business that you forget to give the much needed attention to the people that matter to you. Have proper face-to-face conversations over dinner, coffee or tea. Help out in the kitchen. Watch films together, play board games, or just sit together and catch-up.

2. Learn To Wind Down

It’s not called a “Christmas Rush” for nothing. Once you’ve completed all your Christmas shopping and closed down on all the work for 2016, learn to relax. The year has come to an end and it will be another hectic year next year, so take this opportunity to pause and enjoy living in the present. Feeling relaxed and comfortable is not only good for your health, but it can also help you get your focus back for the upcoming new year. Skip the morning gym and grab breakfast with your family. Sit outside and enjoy the morning sun with a book or magazine. These are small things you sometimes forget to enjoy when you’re back on the daily grind.

3. Create A Warm Home

Create an environment of coziness: light candles, hang strings of warm Christmas lights, your Christmas tree and fill your home with positive vibes – good music, good food and good moods. Your environment can play a big role in feeling warm and cozy.


4. Show Gratitude

There’s no better time of the year that to be grateful for what you have. It’s also a good time to show or tell your loved ones that you are grateful for having them in your life. Showing gratitude can be done by writing a nice letter, giving a gift or even telling them what they mean to you. Kind words can go a long way – and make people happy!


5. Prepare A Good Home-Cooked Dinner

Spend quality time with your family and loved ones in the kitchen, prepare your favorite dishes, set-up the with decors and eat a delicious Christmas dinner. That is pure hygge. The good food, the nice ambiance and the people you are surrounded with will make it a cozy and memorable night to remember. Don’t forget the dessert and hot chocolate to end the meal!



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